Nonstop Fitness




David Milligan’s journey began with the sole purpose to help change and improve lives. As David began his fitness journey, he was discouraged with how commercial gyms didn’t show the same compassion he did for clients, in result he ventured off to do fit camps in his driveway.

As the years passed, David obtained several certifications through the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) to become a certified personal trainer. David’s love, passion, and persistence for fitness gave him the drive to open his very first gym, NonStop Fitness.

David’s philosophy is centered on whole body transformation that not only focuses on the external aspects of an individual but also their internal beauty and strength. David’s soul purpose is to help change lives and each year provided a new obstacle that he had to conquer to grow as a business owner and a person. David lives his dream as a business owner each and everyday, changing lives, pushing limits, and impacting others. 

Don’t Make Excuses – Make Results!