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Simple Arm Workouts For Women: The 5 Best Arm-Toning Moves

Arm Workouts – The Best Arm Toning Exercises

Your arms are extremely important for your overall health. They are involved in so many of the daily tasks that you do, from typing on your computer to lifting heavy objects at work or in the home. You may want toned arms because they look good, but you should also know that having toned arms actually helps with injury prevention and makes daily activities easier as well. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an advanced lifter—these simple arm workouts will help you gain strength and tone:

Bent-Over Row

If you want to work your back and arms simultaneously, the bent-over row is a great move. It’s also a compound exercise because it will also strengthen your core.

A safe exercise for beginners, the bent-over row works many muscles in your arms and back as well as your shoulders and abdominals.

To do this move: Stand with feet hip-width apart holding dumbbells in each hand at chest height with palms facing forward. Bend forward from hips until torso is parallel to floor (or lower). Lift weights straight up toward the ceiling by squeezing shoulder blades together; hold for one second at top of movement before lowering slowly back down to start position.

Tricep Dips

Tricep dips are a great way to tone and strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest and back.

How to do them:

  • Sit on the edge of a bench or chair with both hands close to you on the floor. Place your feet firmly on the ground, between hip- and shoulder-width apart—or position them as wide as you can comfortably go without losing balance in your lower body. If you’re working out at home, make sure no one’s around when trying this move; it looks pretty silly!
  • Straighten your arms behind you so that only the balls of your feet are touching the floor (if possible). Keep looking straight ahead at something about eye level—not down at yourself—and keep an upright posture throughout the exercise (don’t lean forward!).
  • Bend your elbows while keeping them close together (elbows should stay in line with each other) until they’re almost folded completely inward toward each other at 90 degrees; then press back up again toward starting position using power from both legs and core muscles instead of just using upper arm strength alone.”

Supine Row

To perform the Supine Row:

  • Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a resistance band at arm’s length in front of you, palms facing each other.
  • Raise your elbows toward the ceiling until they’re in line with your shoulders; make sure that your upper arms are parallel to the floor throughout this move (see photo).
  • Slowly lower back down to start position until your arms are fully extended but not locked out. Repeat for reps as desired, then switch sides!

For more advanced variations of this exercise, try doing one-arm rows or dumbbell rows instead of using a resistance band. If you want an easier variation that still targets your biceps without too much difficulty, stick with dumbbells instead of switching over to a heavier resistance band—you’ll be happy with how strong those guns feel when you’re done!


The plank is a great exercise for your core and it can be done anywhere, anytime. Start by finding an area where you can put your elbows on the ground. Keep your back straight and hold this position for as long as you can. If you have trouble keeping your back straight, place a yoga mat under where you are going to be doing this exercise so that the palms of your hands are not directly on the floor. You may also want to do this exercise with some sort of weight (a water bottle filled with sand or rocks) in between each hand so that it adds some resistance when moving forward and backward in plank position (toes touching).

Bicep Curl

This is a classic biceps exercise that works your biceps and forearms. You’ll want to keep your elbows tucked in to avoid injuring your shoulders, so make sure the weight stays close to your body throughout the movement. Don’t let either of them flare out, as this will cause injury as well; also make sure that you aren’t using momentum to lift the weight. It’s important not to roll any part of your arm during this exercise—that includes wrists, elbows and shoulders!

Hip Rotation with Straight Leg Kickback Roll

These arm workouts will help you gain strength and tone.

These arm workouts will help you gain strength and tone. You can do these exercises at home, or as part of a class at the gym.

  • Biceps Curls: This exercise works your biceps, which are located on the front of your upper arm. Keep your elbows close to your sides with a weight in each hand or use no weight at all if you don’t have any available. Bend both arms so that they’re parallel to the floor and then straighten them back up again (this is one rep). Do as many reps as you can for three sets; rest for two minutes between sets.
  • Triceps Extension: This exercise works out the tricep muscles on the back of your upper arms—it’s one of my favorites! Stand upright holding onto dumbbells with an overhand grip (palms facing forward) and extend both arms straight out from your shoulders until they’re parallel to the floor—that’s one rep! Do three sets of 10 repetitions, resting for two minutes between each set; increase weight for more resistance if needed/you’re ready for it!


If you’re looking for some simple arm workouts, then these five moves can help. They can be done anywhere from a gym or at home with minimal equipment. There are different levels of difficulty so everyone can find something that works best for them!